Старый Twitter, Случайный 2006 - 2019

Warranty Policy:
The first login warranty is applicable only within 24 hours. Customers are required to log in within this period to check the account information for compliance with the specified requirements. This includes checking if the account is suspended or not. If no login occurs within 24 hours, the warranty will no longer be valid.
Warranty coverage is contingent upon a successful login where the account remains unsuspended. Once successfully logged in, the warranty expires.
There is no warranty for accounts that have successfully changed information or have successfully logged in without suspension but are in the process of changing information, which may lead to suspension.
Requirement: It is necessary to change essential information such as account password, 2FA, email password, recovery email, phone, etc.
Login instructions: File format is: ID | Password | Email | Email Password | Recovery Mail| Account information
All accounts purchased from us are covered by a 24-hour warranty. If any errors or issues arise within this timeframe, they will be warranted.
2FA is enabled so you can log in with any devices and IPs, you will only need to generate a 2FA code using the provided 2FA key. You can use the https://2fa.live/TwoFactorEnable website to generate a 2fa code. These accounts will not be asked for a code that is sent to a phone number or email, only a 2fa code is required.