Телефон проверен Hotmail с 2FA - Пароль приложения. Активирован Imap/Pop3/SMTP. Возраст: 7 месяцев

Phone Verified Hotmail With 2FA - App Password - Recovery Code. Imap/Pop3/SMTP Activated. Age: 7 Months
Account format: Email:Password: App Password:2FA: Recovery Code
Accounts were verified with a US phone number.
Accounts ideally for mailing (sending emails). You can use an App Password to read and send emails via the IMAP/POP3/SMTP protocol. Remember to use Email: AppPassword for IMAP/POP3/SMTP instead of Email:P password. For example, you can access Hotmail to read received emails via IMAP at https://2fa.live/ReadEmail using an App Password without logging in to the Hotmail website ..te
You can also use the accounts for any purpose that requires an email account.nts
Hotmail accounts with 2Fenough-quality city Hotmail accounts. You can log in with any IP address, on any device. Hotmail will ask you to provide a 2FA code, you only need to generate a 2FA code with a 2FA Secret Key at https://2fa.live/TwoFactorEnable website.
Each account includes a recovery code that can be used as a backup verification method as needed.
Guarantee policy: We guarantee 24 hours after account delivery for invalid accounts or accounts that can not be logged in. No guarantee after accounts are logged in successfully.